
Justin is a firm believer in the evidence that supports the advantages students acquire by having high-quality access to pre-k programs. Justin supports the research which indicates that quality pre-K programs can boost school readiness substantially for disadvantaged children, leading to improving high school graduation rates, lower rates of juvenile delinquency, less substance abuse, and higher adult earnings. Some of the PWCS pre-K programs include Head Start, VPI – Virginia Preschool Initiative, VPI+, and Title I. The specific names indicate differing funding sources, but the programs deliver largely the same high-quality results, preparing students to learn and parents to assist them. Five previous external reviews of PWCS preschool programs all produced positive ratings.

Prince William County early childhood programs also help to identify opportunities to meet the specialized needs of students with different challenges and needs. The programs are part of the concerted and ongoing commitment of PWCS teachers and support staff, the superintendent, and school board members to improve the success of every student. Back in 2008, 83 percent of PWCS students graduated on time. Current on-time graduation rates exceed over 90%. That includes students who began kindergarten about the time that PWCS began implementing its full-day program. And the research would support that this is one important factor leading to graduation and life-long success.

 Thanks to Justin’s advocacy, Prince William County Public Schools added 110 pre-k classes to the Washington-Reid School across from Pattie Elementary in the Potomac District. Originally, Pattie’s 12-classroom expansion was scheduled to open during the 18-19 school year. Justin worked tirelessly with school leaders to push up the construction of this edition, to open ten classrooms in Washington-Reid one year sooner. You can learn more about Washington-Reid’s expansion by clicking here.

Read Justin’s 2017 editorial on pre-K by clicking here.